For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalms 139: 13&14

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Your 1st Christmas!

We were all surprised how into Christmas you were this year! You checked out each new toy and even assisted in unwrapping some of them! We had to quickly remove all wrapping paper because it went straight into your mouth! I had so much fun dressing you up in whimsical Christmas outfits!

You did this to yourself on Christmas Eve when we opened presents at nana's house

The fastest army crawler I know!

Your night before Christmas jammies

Grammie and grandaddy came to visit on Christmas day

Using the presents as bongos

You were captivated by the shiny wrapping paper grandma used

Eating through the paper is clearly the best option to open it

Eating the bows off the presents

Eating Ariel's foot (are you seeing a theme here? EVERYTHING goes in your mouth!)

Another picture of the bag on your head because we all thought it was hilarious!
You got lots of good presents! Mommy and daddy gave you (really ourselves) a new Britax Advocate car seat. We were hoping this would solve your hate of riding in the car. It seems to have helped a bit but not as much as we were hoping! We also gave you a mermaid doll. You like to chew her hair. You also got a butterfly slumber buddy that puts stars on your ceiling and doubles as a night light.

Nana and poppi gave you a backpack that I monogrammed for church nursery and a few age appropriate toys.

Grandma and Fabio gave you a little tikes cozy coupe shopping cart. It is too cute! They also gave you a baby doll stroller and a baby play kitchen.

Overall, you had a wonderful 1st Christmas!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

7 Month Update!

Avery Madison, you are 7 months old! 

You are the FASTEST army crawler I've ever seen! You make a bee line for Parker's Mack Truck, Thomas Trains, shoes, diapers and wipes boxes. Those are your favorites. Why we bother buying you toys is beyond me because you never play with them! You like your brother's things and random objects you shouldn't play with! :)

You have 1 tooth and according to your fevers, crankiness and lack of sleep, I'm assuming #2 is on the way! Your 1st tooth was your right (my left) bottom middle tooth and the one beside it is on its way. You've bit me a few times and one time shocked me so much I yelped and you cried forever about it! You also bit your lip the other day with your one tooth :( You['re not a fan of teething. Frozen eggo waffles and Tylenol seem to be your only source of relief.

You still LOVE to nurse. In fact, you even nurse air in your sleep. You've given up a paci but I sure wish you'd take it back to help you sleep at night! Speaking of sleeping.. you don't. You still wake up 3-5 times a night. It's getting TOUGH. Because you aren't sleeping well at night, you are napping a bit better during the day but I sure wish we could work this out. For example. it's 10pm and I've been unsuccessfully trying to get you to sleep since 7:30. GO TO SLEEP, baby girl!

You've started eating baby food. Your favorite is YoBaby Yogurt but I'm not sure your body likes it very much. We're going to try Soy YoBaby. You also love frozen waffles, puffs and arrowroot cookies.

You've really enjoyed the Christmas lights on the tree and batting the bottom branches this month. When you aren't over tired, you're the happiest, smilest baby! The church nursery workers are smitten with you (and your big bows)! You have quite the Christmas wardrobe and I've really enjoyed dressing you up this month!

We adore you! You are our sunshine!

Your 1st Christmas Card

Holiday Letter Christmas Card
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