For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalms 139: 13&14

Saturday, January 8, 2011

22 weeks!

This one is dark but I think I look glowy :)
Looking less, glowy but you can actually see the bump a bit better

How far along: 22 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: + 10 pounds. I told the dr this week that I felt like a houseboat and she assured me I was fine. WHEW.
Maternity clothes:In this picture, I'm not wearing maternity clothes but the jean skirt was a bit big before pregnancy.... it is perfect now!
Sleep: You like to dance at bedtime which is making it harder to fall asleep but once I do fall asleep, I sleep HARD! I do still have crazy dreams, though!
Best moment this week: I bought a serger to make you pretty clothes with nice seams!
Movement: You tumbled for 2 hours straight last night. I think you flipped yourself head down.
Cravings: I've eaten egg burritos twice this week. I NEVER eat eggs. 
Gender: GIRL! Avery Madison Wise!
Labor Signs: No. Thank the Lord!
Belly Button in our out? In!
What I miss: Feeling certain I can handle two kids. Parker has been a MESS this week and it's making me doubt my abilities to handle two!
What am I looking forward to? Your bedding coming in!
Milestones: You're 11 inches long (a spaghetti squash!)  and you weigh about 1 pound!

SO what have I been up to....... lots and lots of sewing and nose wiping! Parker has a cold so we've been home most of this week. I've fought my house arrest stir craziness by sewing and decorating. I finished your tissue paper flower "mobile" and hung them. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out but the pictures don't do it justice.

Your car seat cover also came in and it's PRECIOUS! Parker has taken a fancy to your car seat and enjoys using it as his personal toddler recliner.

I also sewed a nursing cover today that turned out better than I expected! I love it! I sure hope you don't flip out when we use it because I'm not a nurse in public without some cover kind of girl.

Love ya bunches!!!!!!!

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