For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalms 139: 13&14

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fully Baked!

How far along: 38 weeks 3 day.Mommy has been a bad blogger BUT it's only because I've been a busy bee preparing for you! We head to the hospital Tuesday night to start the induction process and you should be here sometime Wednesday! (please come before Thursday. I'd love for your birthday to NOT be cinco de Mayo. That would cause mommy anxiety when you're in college)

Maternity clothes: Lately I've been loving my tennis skirt with a maternity tank. Today I wore maternity bermuda shorts and a ruched tee. I felt kinda cute to be honest and I LOVED when people would ask "when are you due?" It is so fun to say "Wednesday!"

Sleep: I get super tired at 8pm. If I fall asleep, I wake up 2-3 times a night. If I don't go to bed when I'm tired at 8pm, I eat something terrible for me (cheesecake and popsicles tonight) and then I catch a very long 2nd wind that I regret the next day.

Best moment this week
: We had a wonderful last weekend as a family of 3! Carolina Cones, boat ride, TCBY, great weather, shopping.... loved it!

Movement : Yes and it's painful. You are sitting on a nerve that makes me gasp when you hit it.

I've lost my appetite but I'm still enjoying popsicles and frozen strawberry lemonade.

GIRL! Avery Madison Wise!

Labor Signs
:You've dropped nice and low according to the doctor! I've had random contractions but I'm pretty sure you'd stay in to 42 weeks if the doctor's would let you.

Belly Button in our out?
Grossly out. Parker keeps trying to push it in.

What I miss
: Not being in pain... I'd like my body back!
What am I looking forward to? Holding you! Kissing you! Having your newborn photos taken! Asking to take you back from every person that tries to hold you after 3 minutes. Putting you in your MamaRoo (I'm pretty jealous... that thing looks awesome), using our Moby Wrap. Dressing you up.... all the things I've bought/been preparing for! I'm so ready to use and see you in!
SO... lately I've gotten the question "why are you being induced? She should come in her own time" I figured I'd address it. Yes.... she (you) would come in her own time BUT since I had a C-section with Parker, most doctors automatically would c-section me again. I do not want a c-section again if I don't have to have one. It would be a longer recovery and I really want to experience a more natural/less surgical me crazy.  SO... my particular OB (in a large practice) feels most comfortable with me having a VBAC while other doctors will not allow me to. THUS... I chose to schedule an induction on the day he will be the doctor as opposed to scheduling a c-section or waiting for her to come "on her own" and risk having one of the doctors who is not comfortable with a VBAC. Make sense? Fingers crossed "our plan" goes as planned! Either way, God's plan is perfect and she'll be here in His timing and manner and I'll get over "what I want" when I've got her in my arms!

Here are the only 2 pictures I could find of "us" this week and you aren't promeninet in either of them! Don't worry! I promise I'll get one tomorrow or Tuesday! DEFINITELY before we have you we'll take a "going to the hospital picture" in which you will be the star! Once you arrive, then I will begin taking obnoxious amounts of pictures of you and posting them!

You are SOOO loved and we can't wait to meet you!!!!


  1. Aww Taylor! I can't wait to see pictures of her! And don't listen to what anyone has to say about your birthing choices-it's your body & your baby so you do what you think is best! I commend you for going VBAC :)

    -Shakeeta W

  2. I agree! People should not judge about a person's birthplan. Hell, I chose not to have my mom in the room, & I was scheduled to be induced. Luckily, I went into labor 2 hours before 5 AM when I was scheduled to go to the hospital! and by the way, i fought to be induced b/c i was 40 weeks and 3 days preggo! Not so much fun anymore! haha Go Mommy and good luck! i can't wait to read your story and see pics!
