For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalms 139: 13&14

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Woman

OH MY GOSH.... I feel like a new woman. From 6-7:30 I didn't want to be touched or talked to which is so "un-Taylor." As I watched Daniel sit in the corner facing the wall eating a Pizza Hut pizza, I cried and breathed... no fun... so I gave up (sorry natural mamas). I'm a whooping 2 cm dilated at this point and the thought of doing this ALL NIGHT when I've been contracting since 6pm yesterday was simply unbearable. I felt defeated...until the epidural took effect. And now I feel like a sleepy rock star.

I figured I'd write a quick update as I'm planning to fall asleep to American Idol for a bit since the doctor thinks we're going to have a middle of the night, cinco de mayo baby. That's what I get for craving margaritas this whole pregnancy right? I see many donkey pinatas in our future birthday parties. haha (not really... until she's in college and it's her prerogative to beat a donkey with a stick... oh goodness.... my daughter's birthday will be quite the celebration!) Unfortunately, this messes up our 5/4/3/2/1 birthday order (May 4th and March 21st) BUT.... Miss Avery clearly had different plans. A stubborn Diva from birth. This confirms my belief that she's a fiery red head. I should start praying now, shouldn't I?!


  1. Rianne's little girl Addison was born on Cinco de Mayo! Avery is in good company. :)

  2. ummm can I just say that you've been on the drip...of COURSE you deserve an and everyone else ever giving birth :)
