For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalms 139: 13&14

Friday, May 27, 2011

3 weeks old!

Look who is 3 weeks old!
She's getting so big!
Hug, please!
This is my shocked face! ...already a drama queen!
Check those chubby cheeks!
Umm.... I could just eat her up!

Miss. Avery... you are adorable! You fit so seamlessly into our lives! It's hard to imagine life without you even though you've only been here 3 weeks! You're a sweet baby. You're a snuggler and sure do love to be held. If you're in the nap nanny, boppy or mamaroo and you're awake, you expect to be talked to or you get bored. Such a girl! I LOVE your red hair and sure do hope it sticks around. Between your poppi and mimi, we've got a good chance you'll keep it.

You're growing like a weed and have already outgrown some newborn sleepers and onesies. Cute clothes, here we come! I'm sure your major growth has everything to do with the fact that you'd nurse 23 out of the 24 hours in the day if I'd let you. In between when you think you're hungry, I try to soothe you with your paci. You had a meltdown in Target today and I had to nurse you in the car. Of course every single car around us "turned over" at least once while I was nursing you, meaning about 8 strangers saw my boobs today. That will teach me to put the nursing cover back in the car after I wash it! Opps!

I'm holding you, typing with one hand while you smile those drunken milk smiles. LOVE it...even if they aren't "real" smiles yet. You've started spitting up and my hair is your very favorite target!I had forgotten about the spit up baths your brother used to give me! I see a lot of pony tails and laundry in my future!

Love you, baby girl!

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